Are you planning a visit to Cape Flats, Cape Town? If you are, you might be on the lookout for some fun things to do. There are all kinds of attractions in this area. These are a few popular sights that you might want to visit.
Cape Town Township Tours
If you’d like to see more of this area and everything it has to offer, a Cape Town township tour is a perfect option. It’s a wonderful way to see parts of this township that you would never find on your own. You’ll also be able to learn about the area from a trusted expert.

If you’re spending time in this area, why not try to learn a little bit more about it? You’ll be able to discover all kinds of things while you’re on your tour. An attraction like this can be a lot of fun.
Rondevlei Nature Reserve
If you’re interested in experiencing the natural beauty of this area, visiting the nature reserve is a wonderful way for you to do exactly that. The area is very well preserved, and there are many types of plant life and wildlife that you can see here.

You can expect to have a wonderful time exploring the nature reserve and seeing how animals live in the wild. If you’re a fan of this nature reserve and would like to see more, you also have the option of visiting Zeekoevlei Nature Reserve.
The Gangster Museum
Even if you’re not a big fan of art museums, you may find a lot to appreciate at this unusual museum! This place is focused on gangsters that have operated in the area. If you’re a fan of true crime, you’ll really be impressed by the exhibits here.

This isn’t an attraction that’s right for everyone, but it is a very interesting place. Learn a little bit more about this museum and think about whether or not it’s the kind of place that you’d like to visit while you’re in Cape Flats.
Table Mountain
This is another attraction that will give you a chance to see how naturally beautiful Cape Town can be. This mountain has incredibly scenic views, making it absolutely perfect for hiking trips. If you’d like, you can even rent bikes that you can ride along the mountain’s paths.

Of course, there are steeper parts of the mountain that experienced mountain climbers can tackle as well. Whether you’re a novice hiker or someone that’s been climbing mountains for years, this is a mountain that you’ll want to make a point of visiting. It’s just a short drive from Cape Flats and a must-see attraction.
Robben Island
If you don’t mind taking a short trip by boat, this island is extremely intriguing! This was once a prison island, but today, the island is home to a museum. You’ll also be able to explore the island while you’re here. Even though this used to be a prison site, the island is actually incredibly beautiful.

Even though the island is tiny, it’s a very popular attraction for tourists. There are boats and ferries heading out to this island all the time, which means you should be able to visit it without any issues. Why not take the time to view this island and dive into its rich history?
These are some of the top things to do while you’re in Cape Flats, Cape Town. This can be a wonderful place to take a vacation, and you should try to make the most of the time you spend here. Visit these amazing attractions and soak up everything that South Africa can offer you.